Enhance handwriting

I want to quickly jot down notes on my iPad using a stylus while reading, and to freewrite as fast as possible on paper.


Throughout school and university, I struggled with handwriting. I wrote each letter separately, making the process slow and unstructured. Now that I’ve discovered the benefits of freewriting, I realize my handwriting skills are holding me back. I want to use pen and paper every day with success and joy.

I spent only one week to practice, and happy to share my way with you.
First Step: Cursive Handwriting. I started by learning and practicing cursive handwriting. Writing with connected letters has made my writing smoother and more cohesive.
Second Step: Sharp Handwriting. This style is more compact, faster, and feels more comfortable for my hand.

First Step: Cursive handwriting

IMG_2102 Large.jpg

I used these videos:

More videos here: https://www.classcentral.com/classroom/youtube-how-to-improve-english-handwriting-55084/612f84bee0cf7

Second Step: Sharp edge cursive handwriting


I used these videos:

More videos here: https://www.classcentral.com/classroom/youtube-sharp-edge-cursive-handwriting-style-55083/612f84bdb91f1

Print material if you need: https://magical-moments-2.creator-spring.com/listing/sharp-edge-cursive-handwriting

Third Step: Create own Capital Letters Style

I'm in process to make my own system with Capital Letters in Sharp Cursive Handwriting.
I don't like it, but maybe you will like:

For future

Udemy course: https://www.udemy.com/course/improve-your-handwriting-improve-your-life/