3. GetPublii Multi-Language

This guide helps you assign different menus to different pages or posts.
You can choose which menu to use for each specific page or post on your website.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create a multi-language menu on your Publii website Publii (https://getpublii.com).

For this example, I used the paid Carla template, but these steps also work with free templates.

Step 1: Create a Language Selection Field in the "Other Options" Area

To begin, add a custom field for selecting the language of your posts and pages:

  1. Open the config.json file located in: /Publii/sites/YOUR_WEBSITE/input/themes/THEME_NAME/config.json
  2. In the postConfig and pageConfig blocks, add the following code:
	"name": "langpage",
	"label": "Language",
	"value": 0,
	"type": "select",
	"options": [
			"label": "Spanish",
			"value": 2
			"label": "Belarusian",
			"value": 1
			"label": "English",
			"value": 0
  1. Look like this.
    Pasted image 20250116214105.png

  2. Save the file, close Publii, and then reopen it to check if the Language field appears in the "Other Options" area.
    Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 21.28.16.png

Step 2: Add New Menu Slots for Each Language

  1. Open the config.json file located in: /Publii/sites/YOUR_WEBSITE/input/themes/THEME_NAME/config.json

  2. In the menus block, duplicate mainMenu code and change it:
    Pasted image 20250116215011.png

  3. Assign the corresponding menus to the respective language slots.
    Pasted image 20250116215209.png

Step 3: Update the File with {{> menu menus.mainMenu}} block

To display the appropriate menu based on the selected language, you can change use conditions to show used language menu and hide unused menu:

  1. Open the navbar.hbs (in Massively and Tattoo this file has name top.hbs )
    file located at: /Publii/sites/YOUR_WEBSITE/input/themes/THEME_NAME/partials/
  2. Add #checkIf conditions for @config.page.langpage and @config.post.langpagevariables
  3. You can use this code:
      {{#checkIf @config.page.langpage '==' 0 }}
      {{#if menus.mainMenu}}
            {{> menu menus.mainMenu}}
      {{#checkIf @config.page.langpage '==' 1 }}
      {{#if menus.mainByMenu}}
            {{> menu menus.mainByMenu}}
      {{#checkIf @config.page.langpage '==' 2 }}
      {{#if menus.mainSpMenu}}
            {{> menu menus.mainSpMenu}}
      {{#checkIf @config.post.langpage '==' 0 }}
      {{#if menus.mainMenu}}
            {{> menu menus.mainMenu}}
      {{#checkIf @config.post.langpage '==' 1 }}
      {{#if menus.mainByMenu}}
            {{> menu menus.mainByMenu}}
      {{#checkIf @config.post.langpage '==' 2 }}
      {{#if menus.mainSpMenu}}
            {{> menu menus.mainSpMenu}}

Pasted image 20250117080019.png
4. Save your changes.

Step 4: Dynamic update (html lang="en-gb")

  1. Open the nead.hbs file located at: /Publii/sites/YOUR_WEBSITE/input/themes/THEME_NAME/partials/
  2. Find row <html lang="{{ @website.language }}">
  3. Add #checkIf conditions for @config.page.langpage and @config.post.langpagevariables
  4. You can use this code:
{{#checkIfAny @config.page @config.post}}
	{{#checkIf @config.page.langpage '==' 0 }}
	    <html lang="en-GB">
	{{#checkIf @config.page.langpage '==' 1 }}
	    <html lang="be-BY">
	{{#checkIf @config.page.langpage '==' 2 }}
	    <html lang="es-ES">
	{{#checkIf @config.post.langpage '==' 0 }}
	    <html lang="en-GB">
	{{#checkIf @config.post.langpage '==' 1 }}
	    <html lang="be-BY">
	{{#checkIf @config.post.langpage '==' 2 }}
	    <html lang="es-ES">
   <html lang="{{@website.language}}">

Pasted image 20250226215647.png
5. Save your changes.

Step 5: Test Your Multi-Language Menu

Once everything is set up, preview your site to ensure that the menus switch correctly based on the selected language.

You can see how my website works with the multi-language menu by visiting this link: https://ar.team.