Justifying Life


Justifying Life (Justifying one’s existence)

For many, the desire to justify their existence becomes a powerful source of meaning. Life isn’t simply a gift; it feels like a trust extended—a debt to those who gave it.

Which of these justifications resonates with you the most?

👫 Justifying Life Before Parents

We absorb our parents' expectations in various ways:

If parental love, warmth, and acceptance correlate with how well you meet their expectations, then achieving all that is planned means becoming loved, desired, and justifying your existence.

🌍 Justifying Life Before Society

Society also projects its expectations onto individuals as "global citizens":

Whether as an eco-activist, philanthropist, volunteer, or advocate for social causes, people often feel compelled to justify their existence through actions that align with society’s ideals.

🫡 Justifying Life Before the Nation

The nation expects heroes and celebrates them. When heroes are in short supply, the nation creates them. Nations need heroes, and the expectation of heroism extends to each of us.

I was once asked: "So who are you if not Belarusian?".
If I removed the "Belarusian" identity, there would be nothing left.

The nation values lives dedicated to its service. Dying for one’s country is viewed as the ultimate good, a sacrifice that inherently justifies existence. Such lives are immortalized in schoolbooks and remembered in national history.

👨‍🏫 Justifying Life Before a Group of Like-Minded People

Belonging to a group—whether religious, professional, gender-based, or otherwise—can also create a sense of duty. These groups value those who uphold and commit to their ideals.

If you are part of a group but only consume without giving anything back, what use are you existence?

🙏 Justifying Life Before God

This is perhaps the most complex.

Religious leaders and organizations may exploit justifying life before God by presenting their interests as God's will (see previous points).

But my soul resonates most with these words:

"Before God there are NO justifications. He HIMSELF is justification." (Boris Grebenshchikov)

“It is God who justifies.” (Rom. 8:33b)